Sheila Donovan
I grew up in Massachusetts and attended Smith College (A.B. 1987). After graduating, I worked in the mental health profession. I spent many years as the Senior Crisis Line Counselor for Comprehensive Care (now New Vista). I attended law school at the University of Kentucky (J.D. 1998).
Before transitioning to fulltime Parenting Coordination, I practiced Family Law for 23 years and am a certified family law mediator. I am also a certified Parenting Coordinator (certification August, 2019) and am available to conduct parenting coordination for parents who are struggling to implement their parenting plans concerning their child(ren).
I regularly attend trainings to continue to develop and improve my parenting coordination practice.
Work in the Trenches with High Conflict Coparents March 2018 AFCC
Fundamentals of Parenting Coordination March 2019 AFCC
Advance Training in Personality Disorders in Legal Disputes: 'Understanding, Managing, Treating and Setting Limits' with Bill Eddy March 2019 AFCC
Parenting Coordination Training August 2019 CPI (certification)
Advanced Issues for Family Law and Dispute Resolution Professionals December 2020 AFCC
AFCC 59th Annual Conference May 2022 AFCC
Understanding and Managing High Conflict Personalities with Bill Eddy October 2023 KBA
I am a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts: https://www.afccnet.org/. I was formerly the chair of the Family Law Section of the Kentucky Bar Association and the Fayette County Bar Association. In the past I have served on the boards of Family Counseling, AVOL, Lexington Chapter of NAWBO, and Micah Legal, a local non-profit providing low cost legal services.
I am also the alumni representative and President of the local Smith College Club, and volunteer as a tutor at the Carnegie Center.